Hepatitis B Carrier Health Check Plan - CP013N

Original Price: $3770
Promotional Price: $2200
According to government information, 7.2% of Hong Kong's population is currently infected with hepatitis B virus. Newly infected infants and young children have no obvious symptoms, while infected children and adults have a 30% to 50% chance of developing hepatitis-like symptoms. Infected by hepatitis B virus without knowing it, the condition can develop into lifelong chronic hepatitis B, and there is a chance of liver cirrhosis, liver cancer or acute liver failure in the long run. Accept relevant examinations and treatment as soon as possible to stay away from hepatitis B patients.
Pap Smear (liquid-based)
*Only for women with sexual experience
【Xmas Promotion】FibroScan® 肝纖維化掃描
*只適用於尖沙咀診所,加購服務需與所購買之服務同時使用。(原價: $1,400)
Pap Smear (liquid-based) &
HPV DNA Test (43 Types)
Hepatitis A Virus Antibody (IgG)
HCV Antibody
Ultrasound of Pancreas
【Add-on】Ultrasound of Upper Abdomen (Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen, Pancreas & Kidneys) (Original: $2,100)
【Add-on】Ultrasound of Breasts (Both Sides) (Original: $1,200)
【Add-on】Sentis Hereditary Cancer Panel (Breast/Ovarian Cancer 2)/br>*Use together with purchased plan/ (Original: $2,500)
【Add-on】Ultrasound of Ultrasound Pelvis (Uterus, Ovary, Bladder) (Original: $1,400)
【Add-on】Urinary Bladder & Prostate Ultrasound (Original: $1,400)
【Add-on】Ultrasound of Thyroid (Original: $1,400)
【Add-on】Ultrasound of Intima - Media Thickness (Both Sides) (Original: $1,700)
【Add-on】DEXA Bone Densitometry (Spine & Femur) (Original: $1,000)
*Not suitable for Age 18 or below
*Only available at Tsim Sha Tsui / Central Clinic


完成測試後,有機會獲免費骨質密度檢查 (DEXA) 乙次骨質密度檢查優惠券乙張


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