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Chromosomal trisomy



Microdeletion syndrome



Sex chromosome related diseases



Test code



Sample requirements

10mL blood tube x 1

10mL blood tube x 1

Test time (working days)

5 *

5 *

Test fee

Original: $9900

Special Offer: $7600

Original: $8800

Special Offer: $5500

Inquiry & Booking: 3585 8533

Y-Chromosome DNA Test

In the 1970’s scientists discovered that fetal DNA passes through the placenta and enters the maternal blood circulatory system in the form of fetal metabolites or fetal DNA fragments. Experts point out that, the longer the fetus stays in the womb, the more concentrated the fetal DNA fragments will be in the maternal blood. In addition, the faster the diffusion process, the more fetal DNA fragments will be found in the maternal blood.
To summarize, a longer gestation period and faster diffusion process, results in more fetal DNA fragments in the maternal circulatory system. Nowadays, fetal sex can be determined through the application of advanced maternal blood DNA testing technology as early as 5 gestation weeks. The test involves isolating the fetal DNA fragments from the maternal serum, and then extracting and amplifying them. Once millions or possibly billions of copies have been made, the male DNA will be tested with the Sex-determining Region Y (SRY) markers.
In males, Y DNA is the genetic material that is inherited from the father only, which is crucial material for the fetus to develop as a male. Since Y DNA is inherited from the father and then passed on to the son, it can be used in paternity confirmation by simple comparison.

Test Details

Code Test Sample format TAT (working day)
Yi Yi Y-chromosome maternal serum test 10mL CELL-Free BCT x 1 1 Enquiry
YCHR5 Y-chromosome maternal serum test (5 weeks) 10mL CELL-Free BCT x 1 1 Enquiry
YCHR6 Y-chromosome maternal serum test (6 weeks) 6mL CELL-Free BCT x 1 1 Enquiry
YCHR Y-chromosome maternal serum test (7 weeks +) 6mL CELL-Free BCT x 1 1 Enquiry

Test Features

1. No Fasting is required

2. Non-invasive, inflicting minimal harm to the fetus

3. High sensitivity, a tiny amount of fetal Y-DNA can be detected precisely

4. High accuracy, >99.995%

Paternity Testing

Parentage tests are used to determine whether two individuals have a biological parent-child relationship. It is done by collecting and analyzing DNA from the alleged parent and child. The child’s profile is compared with the profile of the mother and alleged father to confirm that he or she has inherited DNA from the alleged father. Statistical analysis is then performed to calculate the Paternity Index, which determines the probability of paternity. We are able to do paternity testing with or without samples from the mother, as well as maternity testing, grandparentage testing, sibling testing, and prenatal testing. Please contact us directly for further information.

Paternity Test (alleged father and fetus)

Prenatal parentage testing is a different type of parentage testing in which the father-child relationship can be identify before the child is born. The test allows the earliest possible confirmation of father-child relationship. This is particularly useful for cases where the genuine identity of the biological father must be known before childbirth.

Usually, methods of sample collection for prenatal parentage testing include Chorionic Villus Sampling or Amniocentesis. These methods are not only invasive, but cannot be conducted until at least 10 weeks into the pregnancy.
However, at Medtimes, we are able to perform the parentage test by using the blood of the mother (maternal blood). Currently, this is the only non-invasion prenatal paternity testing method, and can be performed after the 7th week of pregnancy.

Prenatal Autosomal Maternal Serum Paternity Test

Unlike Y-Chromosomal paternity testing, Autosomal Maternal Serum Paternity Test requires extremely advanced techniques for the separation and differentiation of fetal cf-DNAs. In normal circumstances, fetal cf-DNAs will be existing as low as 1% in the maternal plasma, and leading to the detection of fetal cf-DNAs difficult. In addition, due to the fact that the female baby's DNA signal will be significantly masked by maternal DNA, this makes the analyzing and extracting the fetal DNA further problematic.

Prenatal Non-invasive‧Gestational Week: 7 weeks

Usually, methods of sample collection for prenatal parentage testing include Chorionic Villus Sampling or Amniocentesis. These methods are not only invasive, but cannot be conducted until at least 10 weeks into the pregnancy. However, at Medtimes, we are able to perform the parentage test by using the blood of the mother (maternal blood). Currently, this is the only non-invasion prenatal paternity testing method, and can be performed after the 7th week of pregnancy.

Prenatal Test Details

Code Test Sample format TAT (Working day)
YPAT Y-chromosome Maternal Serum Paternity Test Maternal blood 10mL Cell-Free DNA BCT x 2
1 alleged father
Father, Buccal Swab x 2 or
3 mL EDTA Blood x 1 or
Hair sample (including follicles)
XYPAT Maternal Serum Paternity Test Maternal blood 10mL Cell-Free DNA BCT x 2 8-12
1 alleged father Buccal Swab x 2 or
3 mL EDTA Blood x 1 or
Hair sample (including follicles)

Postnatal Test Details

Code Test Sample format TAT (Working day)
1 alleged father/mother Buccal Swab x 3
PATL Paternity Test
(Legal Use)
Child Buccal Swab x 3 or
3 mL EDTA Blood x 1
1 alleged father/mother Buccal Swab x 3 or
3 mL EDTA Blood x 1
PATN Paternity
(Non-Legal Use)
Child Buccal Swab x 3 or
3 mL EDTA Blood x 1
1 alleged father/mother Buccal Swab x 3 or
3 mL EDTA Blood x 1


1. Please do not eat or drink for at least 1 hour before the sampling.

2. If a blood transfusion was received in the past 3 months, or an allogeneic hematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation (bone marrow transplantation) was received at any time, false results can be obtained. For enquiries, please contact Customer Service at 3585 8533.

 Enquiries & Appointments: 3585 8533

What is relationship testing?

Relationship testing is done to determine various types of biological relationships.
For example, a grandparentage test can be conducted to determine if a biological relationship exists between the alleged grandparent and the child, in cases where the alleged father is not available to do the test. Other types of relationship tested include twins, sibling, aunt/uncle, cousin, and nephew/niece.

How is it done?

To carry out the test, all we need are genomic DNA from the two test subjects. Genomic DNA can be obtained from buccal swab and whole blood. We then compare the lengths of specific repeated DNA sequences in the chromosomes of the two test subjects. From there, we will be able to accurately determine the existence of a biological relationship between them.

Test method and theory

Short Tandem Repeat (STR) DNA typing is used to conduct the relationship testing. STRs are short repeated DNA sequences found in the chromosome of every individual. An individual inherits one copy of an STR from each parent, and unrelated people almost certainly have different repeat units. Thus, STR is an effective marker of biological relationships.

Code Test Sample Format TAT (Working day)
PATL Relationship Test
(Legal Use)
Buccal Swab x 2 or 3ml EDTA Blood x 1 14
PATN Relationship Test
(Non-Legal Use)
Buccal Swab x 2 or 3ml EDTA Blood x 1 7


1. Please do not eat or drink for at least 1 hour before the sampling.

2. If a blood transfusion was received in the past 3 months, or an allogeneic hematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation (bone marrow transplantation) was received at any time, false results can be obtained. For enquiries, please contact Customer Service at 3585 8533.

 Enquiries & Appointments: 3585 8533

Inherited MYH7 Cardiac SNPs Test

Primary cardiomyopathy is an inherited heart muscle disease, which increases the contractility and cardiac output in filling and pumping blood into the heart, eventually leading to irreversible heart dysfunction. This disease affects all ages and races, also associates with heart failure, arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death. The common type hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the enlargement of heart muscle without any noticeable pathological reason, and it is known as the main cause of sudden cardiac death in young athletes.

Medtimes in-house developed MYH7 Cardiac Genetic Test targets MYH7 gene that relates to familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, primary dilated cardiomyopathy, myosin storage myopathy and so on. This test helps to identify carriers before the on-set of the disease, allows affected individual to recognize the potential risk and perform preventive actions according to the instructions of cardiologist.

測試編碼 測試名稱 樣本要求 測試需時 (工作天)
MYH7 Inherited MYH7 Cardiac SNPs Test Buccal Swab x 2 5










⦁ 全面涵蓋300+種隱性基因疾病,覆蓋香港最常見的隱性遺傳病

⦁ 採用次世代測序技術(NGS)超大規模測序,一次過檢查數以百萬計基因段,每個位置檢查最少50次

⦁ 準確率高達 99.9%

⦁ 有效分辨脊髓性肌肉萎縮症的沉默基因攜帶者

⦁ 採用最新測序技術「固態測序」,將整條FMR1基因讀取,一次性檢測就能精確評估脆性X綜合症風險

⦁ 詳細報告列明風險疾病資訊、基因狀況及疾病風險等


進行婚前檢查伴侶 計劃懷孕夫婦 早期懷孕階段孕婦 進行人工受孕夫婦


測試代碼 測試名稱 樣本要求 測試需時 (工作天) 檢測費用
HERED 420+隱性基因疾病檢測 6mL EDTA採血管 x 1 30














測試代碼 測試名稱 樣本要求 測試需時 (工作天) 檢測費用
HBADNA 地中海貧血基因檢測A 3mL EDTA採血管 x 1 或 口腔拭子 x 2 5 $3,200
HBBDNA 地中海貧血基因檢測B 3mL EDTA採血管 x 1 或 口腔拭子 x 2 5 $3,200
HBDNA 地中海貧血基因檢測A&B 3mL EDTA採血管 x 1 或 口腔拭子 x 2 5 $3,800


完成測試後,有機會獲免費骨質密度檢查 (DEXA) 乙次骨質密度檢查優惠券乙張


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