Medtimes Medical Services Centre

Medtimes Medical Services Centre is a diversified establishment that provides high quality medical and professional services including general physical examinations, laboratory analysis, X-ray, ECG, ultrasound, pulmonary function tests, bone density examination, dental X-rays inspection, vaccinations and specialist referral services.

Medtimes Medical Services Centre is committed to providing customers with high quality physical examinations. We have built up a strong team of health professionals with careful and reliable character to provide you with comprehensive, preventive physical examinations. Another feature that makes Medtimes stand above the rest is that we always introduce the concept of healthcare and wellness to every customer, so that any health problems can be discovered at an early stage through regular preventive physical examination and get proper treatment as soon as possible. If needed, we will refer our customers to the appropriate specialist.

At Medtimes Medical Services Centre, we always put the customer's health first. We strive to deliver attentive service and ensure that the customer is provided with pertinent medical information, enabling the most appropriate choices to be made in terms of health. Our customer-first, service-oriented philosophy, is sure to reach a wide range of customers and all their medical needs. We go beyond your expectations.


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