![]() |
Advanced Version |
Standard Version |
Chromosomal trisomy |
22 |
3 |
Microdeletion syndrome |
126 |
7 |
Sex chromosome related diseases |
4 |
4 |
Test code |
SAFE21 |
Sample requirements |
10mL blood tube x 1 |
10mL blood tube x 1 |
Test time (working days) |
5 * |
5 * |
Test fee |
Special Offer: $7600 |
Special Offer: $5500 |
Code | Test | Sample format | TAT (Working day) | |
YPAT | Y-chromosome Maternal Serum Paternity Test | Maternal blood |
10mL Cell-Free DNA BCT x 2 |
7 |
1 alleged father |
Father, Buccal Swab x 2 or 3 mL EDTA Blood x 1 or Hair sample (including follicles) |
XYPAT | Maternal Serum Paternity Test | Maternal blood | 10mL Cell-Free DNA BCT x 2 | 8-12 |
1 alleged father |
Buccal Swab x 2 or 3 mL EDTA Blood x 1 or Hair sample (including follicles) |
Code | Test | Sample format | TAT (Working day) | |
1 alleged father/mother | Buccal Swab x 3 | |||
Paternity Test (Legal Use) |
Child |
Buccal Swab x 3 or 3 mL EDTA Blood x 1 |
14 |
1 alleged father/mother |
Buccal Swab x 3 or 3 mL EDTA Blood x 1 |
Paternity (Non-Legal Use) |
Child |
Buccal Swab x 3 or 3 mL EDTA Blood x 1 |
7 |
1 alleged father/mother |
Buccal Swab x 3 or 3 mL EDTA Blood x 1 |
1. Please do not eat or drink for at least 1 hour before the sampling.
2. If a blood transfusion was received in the past 3 months, or an allogeneic hematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation (bone marrow transplantation) was received at any time, false results can be obtained. For enquiries, please contact Customer Service at 3585 8533.
Short Tandem Repeat (STR) DNA typing is used to conduct the relationship testing. STRs are short repeated DNA sequences found in the chromosome of every individual. An individual inherits one copy of an STR from each parent, and unrelated people almost certainly have different repeat units. Thus, STR is an effective marker of biological relationships.
Code | Test | Sample Format | TAT (Working day) |
Relationship Test (Legal Use) |
Buccal Swab x 2 or 3ml EDTA Blood x 1 | 14 |
Relationship Test (Non-Legal Use) |
Buccal Swab x 2 or 3ml EDTA Blood x 1 | 7 |
1. Please do not eat or drink for at least 1 hour before the sampling.
2. If a blood transfusion was received in the past 3 months, or an allogeneic hematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation (bone marrow transplantation) was received at any time, false results can be obtained. For enquiries, please contact Customer Service at 3585 8533.
測試編碼 | 測試名稱 | 樣本要求 | 測試需時 (工作天) |
MYH7 | Inherited MYH7 Cardiac SNPs Test | Buccal Swab x 2 | 5 |
⦁ 全面涵蓋300+種隱性基因疾病,覆蓋香港最常見的隱性遺傳病
⦁ 採用次世代測序技術(NGS)超大規模測序,一次過檢查數以百萬計基因段,每個位置檢查最少50次
⦁ 準確率高達 99.9%
⦁ 有效分辨脊髓性肌肉萎縮症的沉默基因攜帶者
⦁ 採用最新測序技術「固態測序」,將整條FMR1基因讀取,一次性檢測就能精確評估脆性X綜合症風險
⦁ 詳細報告列明風險疾病資訊、基因狀況及疾病風險等
適用對象 | |||
進行婚前檢查伴侶 | 計劃懷孕夫婦 | 早期懷孕階段孕婦 | 進行人工受孕夫婦 |
測試代碼 | 測試名稱 | 樣本要求 | 測試需時 (工作天) | 檢測費用 |
HERED | 420+隱性基因疾病檢測 | 6mL EDTA採血管 x 1 | 30 |
測試代碼 | 測試名稱 | 樣本要求 | 測試需時 (工作天) | 檢測費用 |
HBADNA | 地中海貧血基因檢測A | 3mL EDTA採血管 x 1 或 口腔拭子 x 2 | 5 | $3,200 |
HBBDNA | 地中海貧血基因檢測B | 3mL EDTA採血管 x 1 或 口腔拭子 x 2 | 5 | $3,200 |
HBDNA | 地中海貧血基因檢測A&B | 3mL EDTA採血管 x 1 或 口腔拭子 x 2 | 5 | $3,800 |
完成測試後,有機會獲免費骨質密度檢查 (DEXA) 乙次 或 骨質密度檢查優惠券乙張