Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening for Male - CP016NM

Original Price: $6050
Promotional Price: $2700
STDs can be transmitted through sexual contact even with safe measures in place. STDs not only affect the reproductive system and cause pain, but the virus can spread to other organs, causing complications and even death. Through STD examination, irreversible serious consequences caused by delay in diagnosis and treatment can be avoided.
Hepatitus B Surface Antigen
HCV Antibody
Hepatitis A Virus Antibody (IgG)
【Add-on】Ultrasound of Upper Abdomen (Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen, Pancreas & Kidneys) (Original: $2,100)
【Add-on】Urinary Bladder & Prostate Ultrasound (Original: $1,400)
【Add-on】Ultrasound of Thyroid (Original: $1,400)
【Add-on】Ultrasound of Liver & Gallbladder (Original: $1,200)
【Add-on】Ultrasound of Intima - Media Thickness (Both Sides) (Original: $1,700)
【Add-on】DEXA Bone Densitometry (Spine & Femur) (Original: $1,000)
*Not suitable for Age 18 or below
*Only available at Tsim Sha Tsui / Central Clinic


完成測試後,有機會獲免費骨質密度檢查 (DEXA) 乙次骨質密度檢查優惠券乙張


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