HPV Screening - CP012N

Original Price: $4920
Promotional Price: $2880
The uterus bears life, and it is especially important for women to maintain a healthy uterus. Cervical cancer is mainly caused by the infection of viruses through sexual behavior, which leads to cancerous cells. Although there are no obvious symptoms in the early stage of cervical cancer, the process of cell canceration is quite long. As long as it is detected early, the cure rate is as high as 90%.
【Add-on】Ultrasound of Upper Abdomen (Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen, Pancreas & Kidneys) (Original: $2,100)
【Add-on】Sentis Hereditary Cancer Panel (Breast/Ovarian Cancer 2)/br>*Use together with purchased plan/ (Original: $2,500)
【Add-on】Ultrasound of Breasts (Both Sides) (Original: $1,200)
【Add-on】Ultrasound of Thyroid (Original: $1,400)
【Add-on】Ultrasound of Liver & Gallbladder (Original: $1,200)
【Add-on】Ultrasound of Intima - Media Thickness (Both Sides) (Original: $1,700)
【Add-on】DEXA Bone Densitometry (Spine & Femur) (Original: $1,000)
*Not suitable for Age 18 or below
*Only available at Tsim Sha Tsui / Central Clinic


完成測試後,有機會獲免費骨質密度檢查 (DEXA) 乙次骨質密度檢查優惠券乙張


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