Domestic Helper Health Check Plan - CP008

Original Price: $1410
Promotional Price: $780
Domestic helpers stay at home to help with affairs, big and small, and at the same time have close contact with various family members. Their health status cannot be ignored. In order to protect the health of family members and domestic helpers, arranging domestic helpers to undergo medical examinations can detect potential health risks early and make corresponding arrangements, which will also help maintain the quality of life of the family.
Hepatitis A Virus Antibody (IgG)
HCV Antibody
Rubella Antibody IgG
Report explanation by Registered Doctor
成人13價肺炎球菌疫苗 (1針)
【新一代疫苗】成人20價肺炎球菌疫苗 (1針)
*加購服務需與所購買之服務同時使用。(原價: $2,200)


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