Pre-marital Health Check Plan (Female) - CP009F

Original Price: $2150
Promotional Price: $780
The content of this plan includes not only basic physical fitness and whole blood analysis, but also hepatitis B test, STD test (syphilis serum test VDRL, AIDS antigen and antibody test), thalassemia test and Rubella antibody test. You can also purchase the following physical examination items according to your personal needs to strengthen your health barrier!
α & β Thalassemia DNA Analysis
Pap Smear (liquid-based)
*Only for women with sexual experience
Hepatitis A Virus Antibody (IgG)
Report explanation by Registered Doctor
【Add-on】Ultrasound of Upper Abdomen (Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen, Pancreas & Kidneys) (Original: $2,100)
【Add-on】Ultrasound of Breasts (Both Sides) (Original: $1,200)
【Add-on】Sentis Hereditary Cancer Panel (Breast/Ovarian Cancer 2)/br>*Use together with purchased plan/ (Original: $2,500)
【Add-on】Ultrasound of Ultrasound Pelvis (Uterus, Ovary, Bladder) (Original: $1,400)
【Add-on】Ultrasound of Thyroid (Original: $1,400)
【Add-on】Ultrasound of Liver & Gallbladder (Original: $1,200)
【Add-on】Ultrasound of Intima - Media Thickness (Both Sides) (Original: $1,700)


完成測試後,有機會獲免費骨質密度檢查 (DEXA) 乙次骨質密度檢查優惠券乙張


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