時代醫療集團有限公司Medtimes Medical Group Limited (下稱「本集團」), 鑒於近期本港市面屢傳出現水貨疫苗甚至假貨疫苗之新聞,本集團現鄭重就我們旗下全部診所發售之加衛苗9合1疫苗貨源,作出以下聲明:
New Medical Service Center in 8 Russell Street Causeway Bay
Medtimes Medical Service Center flagship store will be opened on 1 Aug at Causeway Bay.
Autosomal Maternal Serum Paternity Test
Our R&D team has finally came to the concluding stage of this research and are pleased to announce the novel non-invasive paternity testing.
Medtimes has been awarded ISO 9001 certification
We are proud to have been awarded ISO 9001 certification, an internationally recognized standard that ensures services meet the needs of clients through an effective quality management system.
關於加衛苗Gardasil 9短缺及預約問題
New Medical Service Center in Sheung Shui – Grand Opening
Medtimes Medical Group - New Medical Service Center in Sheung Shui, on December 17, 2016 (Saturday), grand opening !
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